Cardiovascular Journal of Africa: Vol 33 No 2 (MARCH/APRIL 2022)

CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 33, No 2, March/April 2022 AFRICA 93 the project made to improve access to quality cardiovascular care at the community level. General controversies in cardiology A session was designed in collaboration with the ESC and representatives from the European Heart Journal to discuss nuanced and controversial cardiology clinical care questions in a debate format. It was as entertaining as it was informative. Panellists gave their statements either for or against the proposed topics, which centred on common cardiovascular conundrums, such as acute coronary syndromes and the use of thrombolysis as first-line reperfusion therapy in the post-COVID era, implementation of low-carbohydrate diets for all CVD risk groups, CCTA use for ubiquitous coronary imaging in resourcelimited settings, and use of angiotensin receptor-neprilysin and sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors for all patients with reduced ejection fraction in sub-Saharan Africa. Each of the faculty panellists used pivotal trials and recent data to support their positions on the given topic and, after each topic discussion, an expert discussant summarised the arguments and provided uniting conclusions that contextualised the conversations for the sub-Saharan African context. The Bongani Mayosi memorial session In a powerful and inspiring session chaired by Prof Mpiko Ntsekhe, the life, achievements and legacy of African cardiologist and PASCAR leader, Prof Bongani Mayosi, were remembered at the 15th PASCAR congress by a keynote address by Prof Mayosi’s erstwhile mentee, Prof Mark Engel. Well remembered by the PASCAR and global cardiovascular community, Prof Mayosi’s memory, remarkable contributions to the cardiovascular field, commitment to research training, mentorship and collaborative spirit were honoured. Remarkable quotes made by Prof Mayosi and tributes by colleagues served to inspire and empower the congress attendees in forging on in the shared mission of advancing cardiovascular health through collaborative research, training and clinical care. African Heart Failure Association (AFHA) Prof Albertino Damasceno (Mozambique) Dr Anders Barasa (Kenya) African Heart Rhythm Association (AFHRA) Prof Aime Bonny (Cameroon) Pediatric and Congenital HD Prof Sulafa Ali (Sudan) Cardiac Imagining Dr Islam Shawky Saifelyazal (Egypt) Dr Andre du Plessis (South Africa Cardiac Surgery Dr Abdullah Ashmeg (Sudan) Clinical Research Training Prof Nahmoud Sari (Nigeria) Prof Friedrich Thienemann (South Africa/Switzerland) Pan-African Association of Structural and Coronary Intervention (PASCI) Dr Mo Jeilan (Kenya) Prof Habib Gamra (Tunisia) Preventative Cardiology Prof Sameh Shaheen (Egypt) Sports Cardiology Prof Abdallah Mahdhaoui (Tunisia) Prof Abdoul Kane (Senegal) Hypertension Prof Dike Oji (Nigeria) Rheumatic HD Dr Emmy Okello (Uganda) ACC African Consortium Chapter Governor Prof Elijah Oyola (Kenya) North South Central East West Vice president Prof Mpiko Ntsekhe (South Africa) Assistant secretary general Dr Maria da Gloria Costa Mawete (Angola) Vice president Prof Ngoy Nkulu Dophra (DRC) Assistant secretary general Dr Joseph Mucumbitsi (Rwanda) Vice president Prof Habib Gamra (Tunisia) Assistant secretary general Prof Abdullah Mahdhaoui (Angola) President Prof Elijah Ongola (Kenya) Assistant secretary general Dr Dejuma Yadeta (Ethiopia) Vice president Prof Amam Mbakwem (Nigeria) Assistant secretary general Prof Abdoul Kane (Senegal) Regions Task force/Groups chairs and co-chairs Awad Mohamed (Sudan) PASCAR secretary general Prof Karen Sliwa (South Africa) Treasurer Prof Paul Brink (South Africa) CVJA editor Prof Elijah Ogola (Kenya) PASCAR president Dr Saad Sulbahi (Sudan) Immediate past president PASCAR Office George Nel Executive Duard Smit Communication and website Wihan Scholts Education and research PASCAR leadership organogram 2022–2026.