Cardiovascular Journal of Africa: Vol 35 No 1 (JANUARY/APRIL 2024)

CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 35, No 1, January – April 2024 AFRICA 15 and patients. This eventually showed a reduction in 30-day hospital re-admission rates. The EF did not improve in 2014, but significantly improved in 2015 with the execution of the programme. More outcomes, including mortality rate and cost, would be essential to investigate in future follow ups. We are grateful to all the associated personnel who contributed for the purpose of this research. References 1. Straburzyńska-Migaj E, Kałużna-Oleksy M, Maggioni AP, Grajek S, Opolski G, Ponikowski P, et al. Patients with heart failure and concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease participating in the Heart Failure Pilot Survey (ESC-HF Pilot) – Polish population. Arch Med Sci 2015; 11: 743–750. 2. Bui AL, Horwich TB, Fonarow GC. Epidemiology and risk profile of heart failure. Nat Rev Cardiol 2011; 8: 30–41. 3. Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, et al. 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