Cardiovascular Journal of Africa: Vol 35 No 1 (JANUARY/APRIL 2024)

CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 35, No 1, January – April 2024 AFRICA 63 HIV-infected pregnant women from Latin America and Caribbean countries. J Infect 2014; 68(6): 572–580. 130. Darmochwal-Kolarz D, Kludka-Sternik M, Tabarkiewicz J, Kolarz B, Rolinski J, Leszczynska-Gorzelak B, et al. The predominance of Th17 lymphocytes and decreased number and function of Treg cells in preeclampsia. J Repro Immunol 2012; 93(2): 75–81. 131. Campillo-Gimenez L, Cumont M-C, Fay M, Kared H, Monceaux V, Diop O, et al. AIDS progression is associated with the emergence of il-17–producing cells early after simian immunodeficiency virus infection. J Immunol 2010; 184(2): 984–992. 132. Terness P, Kallikourdis M, Betz AG, Rabinovich GA, Saito S, Clark DA. Tolerance signaling molecules and pregnancy: IDO, galectins, and the renaissance of regulatory T cells. Am J Repro Immunol 2007; 58(3): 238–254. 133. Sasaki Y, Darmochwal‐Kolarz D, Suzuki D, Sakai M, Ito M, Shima T, et al. 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