Ayob and colleagues (page 178) ask pertinent questions
about our ‘clients’, our patients and the public, and
their grasp of the entities we are managing them for and
our advice given. They tracked down studies from
Cameroon, Kuwait, Tanzania, South Africa, USA, Malaysia,
Australia, Ghana and Uganda, which is a wide spectrum.
The conclusion was that there is generally little grasp
of what cardiovascular disease is about: poor risk-
factor awareness, not buying into lifestyle modification
and not appreciating the need for monitoring and for
medication compliance.
Phanzu and co-workers (page 147) took an unconventional
approach and reasoned that the left ventricular mass,
calculated by echocardiography according to Devereux’s
formula, has different contributing components. They
asked to what extent insulin resistance and/or
hyperinsulinaemia are associated with average left
ventricular mass or with components of Devereux’s
formula, and also separately analysed parameters of left
ventricular diastolic function. The article makes
interesting reading as it presents sophisticated work
incorporating lateral thinking.
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