Cardiovascular Journal of Africa: Vol 32 No 5 (SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021)

CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 32, No 5, September/October 2021 AFRICA 275 possibly be an indication of the effectiveness of the distance, time and shielding implementation. The measurements are therefore complimentary to the audit checklist. Limitations The results of this case study are not representative of all interventional sites, as this particular case study is a representation of 11 procedures performed at a specific site. Although a single case study may not be generalised, the impact of a case study may be undervalued. 25 The finger-meter dose values for only 11 procedures are limited and therefore not reliable as exact values. However, monitoring with dosimeters may sensitise the wearers to apply precautions. Conclusion The aim of the study was to evaluate the current safety culture in accordance with the call by the ICRP 5 to establish a quality- assurance programme to maintain best radiological protection practice and ensure appropriate occupational exposure control. The measurement of the effective radiation dose to the eyes, thyroid, hands and feet of the physician, nurse and radiographer by means of finger TLD meters was possible and practical to execute. The highest doses were recorded to the scrub nurse and the hand of the interventionalist. The safety culture at this site could be improved by increasing the distance from the X-ray source, closing the theatre door, installing the required table and ceiling screens, and for staff not using lead glass eye-wear to wear the dosimeters outside at the collar level. We therefore could use the checklist to evaluate and improve our safety culture. We acknowledge the cardiologists, radiographers and nurses of the interventional site for their participation, and Dr Daleen Struwig, medical writer/editor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, for technical and editorial preparation of the manuscript. This initiative forms part of the Radiation Protection Improvement in South Africa (RAPISA) project. References 1. Rehani MM, Ciraj-Bjelac O, Vañó E, et al . ICRP Publication 117. Radiological protection in fluoroscopically guided procedures performed outside the imaging department. Ann ICRP 2010; 40 (6): 1–102. 2. Cousins C, Miller DL, Bernardi G, et al . ICRP Publication 120. Radiological protection in cardiology. Ann ICRP 2013; 42 (1): 1–125. 3. Brown SC. Radiation safety: time to act (editorial). Cardiovasc J Afr 2017; 28 (3): 139. 4. Rose A, Rae WID. Perceptions of radiation safety training among inter- ventionalists in South Africa. Cardiovasc J Afr 2017; 28 (3): 196–200. 5. Picano E, Vaño E. 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