Cardiovascular Journal of Africa: Vol 34 No 3 (JULY/AUGUST 2023)

CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 34, No 3, July/August 2023 AFRICA 137 Fig. 6. CMR images. A and B: short-axis and two-chamber cine images, C and D: short-axis and two-chamber LGE images showing transmural myocardial scar of the basal and mid-cavity inferior and inferolateral segments (four segments), partially involving both papillary muscles. The evaluated myocardial scar mass was 28 g, representing 24% of the myocardium for a patient admitted with heart failure symptoms. A C B D Fig. 5. CMR images. A and B: four-chamber and short-axis cine images, C and D: four-chamber and short-axis LGE of left ventricular non-compaction in an asymptomatic patient (nine-month follow up) with no myocardial scar/fibrosis. LVEF was 47%. A C B D Fig. 4. CMR LGE images. A: two-chamber, B: four-chamber, C: three-chamber long axis views, D: basal, E and F: mid-cavity shortaxis views showing extensive mid-myocardial fibrosis for a patient with arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy, presented with multiple syncopal episodes. The Holter monitor showed frequent multifocal ventricular ectopic beats. LVEF was 54%, scar mass was 9.9 g, representing 16% of the myocardial mass detected in eight segments. A D B E C F