Southern African Hypertension Society: Controlling Hypertension in Southern Africa

AFRICA Cardiovascular Journal of Africa • SAHS Biennial Congress 2024 34 Submission ID: 1647 Introduction Hypertension is a frequent, chronic, age-related disorder, in young patients with high blood pleasure, secondary causes of hypertation must be considered. Secondary hypertension is defined as an increase in blood pressure due to an identifiable cause that can be treated with a cause-specific intervention. Pheochromocytomas are tumors that originate from chromaffin cells located in the adrenal glands, characterized by the production of catecholamines, most frequently adrenaline and noradrenaline. These tumors are associated with high blood pressure, and classic triad of presentation characterized by headache, sweating and palpitations. Methods A 45 years old woman, admitted to our hospital, on the Emergency Room with epigastric pain,vomiting and increased blood pressure 240/160mmHg. One month prior to admission, she presented headache, hyperhidrosis and palpitation. She had story of resistant hypertation. Physical examination reveled no pale conjunctiva, hydrated, Heart Rate 108bpm and abdominal epigastric pain. Laboratory findings showed hemoglobin 13g/dl BUN: 55.3mg/dl, creatinine 3.7mg/dl, HIV negative, Total Metanephrines 4813 (reference 103-1144μg/24h), Normetanephrine 1916 (reference <390 μg/24h). Imaging findings abdominal magnetic resonance showed a tumor measuring 54.1x43.6mm is visualized in the projection of the adrenal gland on the right with regular contours and homogeneous parenchyma. Results The patient was diagnosed with Pheocromocytoma presented with hipertensive emergence, and the initial managment included sodium nitroprusside and omeprazole. The tumor was surgically removed and a Pheocromocytoma was confirmed histologically. After surgery, she progressed satisfactorily with clinical improvement and complete remission of symptoms, blood pressure is controlled (130/80) by taking one calcium channel blocker (nifedipine 30mg/daily). Conclusion Patients with resistant arterial hypertension should be screened for secondary hypertension and it should be suspected in young patients, without identifiable risk factors, with high blood pressure levels. Name: Presenting Author Information Article Category Abstract Title Maputo Central Hospital English Abstract Students - Currently enrolled postgraduate students Pheocromocytoma as cause of secondary hypertension presented with hypertensive emergency: A Case Report Author Affiliation: Email: Hatija Faria Science Theme Clinical Authors Name & Surname Title Expertise Affiliation Email Country Hatija Faria Dr Internal Medicine Resident Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Edson Jasse Dr Cardiology Resident Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Nivalda Tembe Dr General Practitioner Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Amina Chocho Dr General Practitioner Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Ana Maholela Dr Internist Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Beatriz Galvao Dr General Practitioner Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Azad Caetano Dr Internal Medicine Resident Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Silvestre Parruque Dr General Practitioner Maputo Central Hospital Mozambique Upload your slides or pictures illustrating the case Picture1.Abdominal Magnetic resonace showing the pheocromocytoma Picture 2. Surgical piece POSTER PRESENTATION