CVJAFRICA • Volume 26, No 2, H3Africa Supplement, March/April 2015
Sickle cell disease and H3Africa: enhancing genomic
research on cardiovascular diseases in African patients
Ambroise Wonkam, Julie Makani, Solomon Ofori-Aquah, Obiageli E Nnodu, Marsha Treadwell,
Charmaine Royal, Kwaku Ohene-Frempong, as members of the H3Africa Consortium
Sickle cell disease (SCD) has a high prevalence in
sub-Saharan Africa. There are several cardiovascular pheno-
types in SCD that contribute to its morbidity and mortality.
SCD is characterised by marked clinical vari-
ability, with genetic factors playing key modulating roles.
Studies in Tanzania and Cameroon have reported that single-
nucleotide polymorphisms in
and co-inheritance of alpha-thalassaemia impact on foetal
haemoglobin levels and clinical severity. The prevalence of
overt stroke among SCD patients in Cameroon (6.7%) and
Nigeria (8.7%) suggests a higher burden than in high-income
countries. There is also some evidence of high burden of
kidney disease and pulmonary hypertension in SCD; however,
the burden and genetics of these cardiovascular conditions
have seldom been investigated in Africa.
Several H3Africa projects are focused on cardio-
vascular diseases and present major opportunities to build
genome-based research on existing SCD platforms in Africa
to transform the health outcomes of patients.
sickle cell disease, stroke, kidney diseases, pulmonary
hypertension, genetics, Africa
Cardiovasc J Afr
: S50–S55
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder of public health
significance with high prevalence, high mortality rate and limited
interventions. An estimated 305 800 births are affected annually
worldwide by homozygous SCD (SCD-SS), nearly two-thirds of
this incidence occurs in Africa.
This estimate does not include
SCD-SC, which is more prevalent than SCD-SS in some West
African countries.
Although the first clinical description of SCD occurred over
100 years ago and this condition was described in 1949 as the
first molecular disease, to date only one drug, hydroxyurea, is
available for its specific treatment.
Furthermore, despite the
evidence from high-income countries that new-born screening
(NBS) and comprehensive care are associated with a 70%
reduction in early childhood deaths,
and can have a significant
impact on reducing morbidity,
few African countries have
programmes dedicated to NBS, follow-up care, family and
patient education and counselling, and prevention and treatment
of disease complications. As a consequence, in sub-Saharan
Africa, mortality rates are high before the age of five years
and estimates suggest that without intervention, up to 90% of
affected infants may die in childhood.
The role of genomic research to improve
health of SCD patients: preliminary data from
Cameroon and Tanzania
Genomics of foetal haemoglobin-promoting loci
Advancement in genomic research offers an unprecedented
opportunity to address the health challenges of SCD in an
integrated manner. As a Mendelian disorder caused by a single
gene mutation on the
-globin gene (
) on chromosome 11,
there is considerable phenotypic diversity in SCD, due largely to
the influence of genetic and environmental factors.
Although there are several key phenotypes (anaemia, stroke,
infections), foetal haemoglobin (HbF) has emerged as a central
disease modifier; importantly, the expression of this modifier
is amenable to therapeutic manipulation.
Genetic variants
at three principal loci,
and the
cluster account for 10–20% of HbF variation among SCD
patients in the USA, Brazil and the UK.
Initial studies in Tanzania
and recently in Cameroon
have shown that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the
loci are prevalent in both Tanzanian and Cameroonian
patients [minor allele frequency (MAF) of rs4671393
with significant association of these SNPs with HbF (Table
1). These studies have also shown that rs9399137, which acts
as a tagging SNP for the
sub-locus in European
Division of Human Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Ambroise Wonkam, MD,
ambroise.wonkam@uct.ac.zaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar-Es-
Salaam, Tanzania
Julie Makani, PhD
Center for Translational and International Hematology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Solomon Ofori-Aquah, PhD
Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion,
College of Health Sciences, University of Abuja,
Abuja, Nigeria/Department of Haematology and Blood
Transfusion, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital,
Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria
Obiageli E Nnodu, MD
Hematology/Oncology Department, UCSF Benioff
Children’s Hospital, Oakland, USA
Marsha Treadwell, PhD
Department of African and African American Studies, Duke
University, Durham, USA
Charmaine Royal, PhD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Comprehensive Sickle
Cell Centre, Philadelphia, USA
Kwaku Ohene-Frempong, MD