Cardiovascular Journal of Africa • ABSTRACTS – SA HEART
Dear friends and colleagues,
On behalf of the governing council of the PanAfrican Society of
Cardiology it gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the
PASCAR Congress which will be held in partnership with the South
African Heart Association.
Building on successful previous partnerships, we are delighted to
welcome you to the beautiful city of Sandton in South Africa.
The four-day programme will be designed to bring together
distinguished international and regional faculty to deliver high
calibre scientific content, covering almost all aspects of clinical
cardiology and dealing in particular with specific endemic cardiac
problems in Africa.
The remarkable gathering will be a good opportunity for interactive
education, innovative discussions and a great chance to exchange
ideas with colleagues coming from all over the world .
The joint meeting will be held in association with Africa PCR,
Cardiac Imaging and African Heart Network as the 2019 partners
is expected to be one of the largest conferences in the region with
your support.
We look forward to welcoming you all to this Cardiology premier
Best wishes
Saad Subahi FRCP FESC
PASCAR President
CardioVascular Journal Africa is co-publishing with the SA Heart Journal