Twenty-third PanAfrican Course on Interventional Cardiology SMC-PAFCIC 2022

AFRICA CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • SMC-PAFCIC Abstracts October 2022 24 for the management of acute dyspnea related to a proximal right pulmonary embolism diagnosed by thoracic angioscan and in whom the transthoracic echocardiography had objectivated a dilated left ventricle with an impaired LVEF and in whom the coronary angiography came back without particularity. as part of the etiological work-up, a biological work-up was carried out, which came back in favour of an antiphospholipid syndrome Submission ID: 1436 POST-COVID MYOCARDITIS SIMULATING ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME ZAKARIA EL MARRAKI, ADAM BOUZHIR, JAOUAD NGUADI, NAJAT MOUINE, ATIF BENYASS MOROCCO Background: Acute myocarditis corresponds to an acute inflammation of the myocardium whose origin is most often viral. Several viruses can be incriminated to note the parvovirus B19, the virus herpes of the group 6 and to a lesser degree the virus of the hepatitis C (VHC) [18,19]. Since 2019 and with the discovery of SARS COV2 some cases of myocarditis associated with covid have been noted, this last association is rare and is present in only 5% of cases [8]. The diagnosis of myocarditis is sometimes difficult and can lead to confusion with acute coronary syndrome, especially in cases of ST-segment elevation on the EKG, hence the interest of magnetic resonance imaging, which has made it possible in recent years to reduce the rate of unnecessary coronary angiography, especially in the case of young subjects with no cardiovascular risk factors. in this context we report the case of a 33 year old patient with no cardiovascular risk factors and no medical or surgical antecedents whowas admitted to the emergency department for themanagement of acute chest pain related to acute post-covid myocarditis, the patient was initially admitted to the cardiology intensive care unit where he was put in condition and under analgesic treatment and under therapeutic protocal of covid 19 and under anticoagulation based on low molecular weight heparin at preventive dose with a good clinical evolution he was transferred thereafter to the clinical cardiology then declared outgoing under treatment of covid 19 with an appointment of control in 1 month. Submission ID: 1437 CORONARY ANEURYSM: A RARE ETIOLOGY OF CORONARY SYNDROME WITH ST SEGMENT ELEVATION (CASE REPORT) ZAKARIA EL MARRAKI, ADAM BOUZHIR, JAOUAD NGUADI, NAJAT MOUINE, ATIF BENYASS MOROCCO Background: Coronary aneurysm is a rare pathology defined as a segment of the artery in which dilation exceeds the diameter of an adjacent portion (considered as a reference point) by more than 1.5 times. It affects most often the right coronary artery but the left coronary artery can also be affected with a smaller percentage. The etiologies of MODERATED POSTER SESSION