CPD overview:
Following the introductory “Approach to Rhythms”, this online
educational CPD quiz will consist of a series of ECGs with a variety of important
cardiac rhythms. Each will be accompanied by a series of questions, followed by a
detailed analysis and explanation.
Total time commitment:
± 30 to 60 minutes.
Assessment information:
A pass mark of 70% is required. A candidate has 60
days to complete the CPD after registration.
CPD certificate:
A PDF certificate of completion will be issued on successful
completion the CPD.
Important notice:
The CPD was made possible by an unrestricted educational
sponsorship from Bayer Pharmaceuticals South Africa, which had no control over
the content.
For more information please visit
www.cvja.co.zaCPD developed by Prof Rob Scott Millar,
Cardiac Clinic, UCT/Groote Schuur Hospital
ECG rhythms CPD
Target audience:
Cardiologists, physicians, emergency unit doctors and
anaesthetists. Including those studying for FCP and certificate in cardiology.
CPD enrollment fee:
Free / no charge.
Publisher information:
This CPD is endorsed by the
Cardiovascular Journal of
published by Clinics Cardive Publishing.
Journal of Africa