All categories of manuscripts
for the Cardiovascular Journal of Africa must be
submitted on-line to OJS. You will be
assigned your own password and user name. This will
allow complete interaction between the editor and
authors. Internally, reviewers will be approached to
review material in their field of expertise and
assigned with similar interaction. All information
will be entirely protected and confidential.
All submissions should be written in a clear and
succinct manner, following the style of the Journal.
Title page should include a descriptive title;
authors’ surname and forename, address of each
author and full address, telephone, fax and e-mail
contacts for the corresponding author. In text:
tables and figures are either inserted as part of
sentence, for example Table 1, or in parentheses,
for example (Fig. 1). Each table should carry a
descriptive heading.
OJS will clearly indicate which
aspects of the submission must be supplied off-line
download off-line document). This must be provided
to the Journal by mail (PO Box 1013, Durbanville,
South Africa, 7551) or e-mail to
All images MUST be at or above intended display
size, with the following image resolutions: Line Art
800 dpi, Combination (Line Art + Halftone) 600 dpi,
Halftone 300 dpi Image files also must be cropped as
close to the actual image as possible.
Preferred Image Format |
Alternative Image Format |
Image Format
.tif |
Image Width |
than or equal to
intended display size |
500+ |
Alpha Channels
None |
Layers |
Flattened |
Image Format |
.jpg |
Image Width |
Greater than or equal to intended
display size |
Colorspace |
500+ |
Compression Quality |
Maximum |
References numbered in the order of appearance in
the text, according to Vancouver style. For
articles: Author AB, Author C, Author M. The title
of the article. Abbreviated journal title 1999; 14:
172–183. For book chapters: Author AB, Author CD.
The title of the chapter. In: Editor A, Editor BC,
ed. Title of the book, 2nd edn. Location: Publisher,
1999: 133 –139. DOI Numbers / PMID (Pubmed ID / PMC
ID) must be
added to all references to facilitate tagging for
PubMed Central.
Original articles: Title page as above. Abstract
(150 words) a short inclusive statement suitable for
direct electronic abstracting, identifying the
purpose of the study, key methods, the main results
and the main conclusion. Keywords: maximum of six
keywords for indexing. Introduction: concise
description of background, sufficient for the
non-specialist to appreciate the context of the
work. Clear statement of the purpose of the study.
Methods: a brief description of study design,
procedures, analytical techniques and statistical
evaluation. Results: a clear account of the study
findings using quantitative language where possible
and cross-referenced to tables and figures.
an interpretation of the study placed within the
context of current knowledge, leading to specific
conclusions where possible. Acknowledgements.
References, figures and tables as above.
Title page as above. Abstract (150 words) setting
out the scope, key messages and conclusions of the
review. Body of text liberally partitioned with
headings and subheadings leading to a synopsis with
conclusions at the end. Key messages in a separate
box itemising two to five short principal
statements. Acknowledgements, references, tables and
figures as above.
Other articles should adopt a concise style
consistent with similar articles previously
published in the journal. Manuscripts should include
a title page, and appropriate subheadings for text.
Style of tables, figures and references as above.
Figures be sent to us in a high resolution JPEG
format, but they MUST be sent separately from the
Word document. If not in high resolution JPEG, then
PowerPoint will do.
OJS will clearly indicate which
aspects of the submission must be supplied off-line
download off-line document). This must be provided
to the Journal by mail (PO Box 1013, Durbanville,
South Africa, 7551) or e-mail to
The status of progression of the peer-review system
will be directly accessible by authors. The
OJS system is particularly useful to
authors and reviewers as there is a direct link to
PubMed for viewing all related articles on the
subject matter.
Submitted manuscripts must be supplied with a
covering letter with any additional information that
may be helpful to the editor, such as the type or
format of article that the manuscript represents. If
the manuscript has been submitted previously to
another journal, it is helpful to include the
previous editor's and reviewers' comments with the
submitted manuscript, along with the authors'
responses to those comments. Copies of any
permission to reproduce published material, to use
illustrations or report information about
identifiable people, or to name people for their
contributions must accompany the manuscript.
Editorial Policy
Statements and opinions expressed in articles and
communications in CVJA are those of the authors and
not those of the Editor or publisher. The Editor and
publisher disclaims any responsibility or liability
for such views. Neither the Editor nor the publisher
guarantees, warrants or endorses any product or
service advertised in this publication; neither do
they guarantee any claim made by the manufactures of
such product or service.
Material submitted for publication in the
Cardiovascular Journal of Africa is accepted on
condition that it has not been published elsewhere.
The management reserves the copyright of the
articles published. Aspects of cardiovascular
medicine related to Sub-Saharan Africa will be
Authors submitting papers to CVJA should also
register as a reviewer as a quid pro quo for authors
for reviewers reviewing your submission. If authors
do not register as reviewers it may be taken in
consideration when deciding on acceptance and
rejection, and the time of publication. We do try
not to call on a reviewer more that once a year but
in rare circumstances it may be twice.