The concept of reviewing is essential for
maintaining quality in science publications. It is a
voluntary task accepted by the scientific community
as being in its overall best interest.
However, some academic institutions give credit to
reviewers who do this task for international,
PubMed-listed Journals. Should you require
confirmation of a review done for the Cardiovascular
Journal of Africa, please e-mail Elsabé on
For your guidance, the major attributes of our
requirements for a review are:
- To focus on the content of the article not
language usage, as this is dealt with by our
language editors. However you may wish to
indicate areas requiring improvement.
- To reflect on whether the article content
contributes to the development of knowledge
about cardiovascular disease. Also whether it
has value for the clinicians practicing in
Africa and other developing regions.
- To evaluate whether the conclusions made are
substantiated by the evidence presented and
should be further researched.
- Please indicate your evaluation as required
using the grading system where 1 is the highest
ranked level; descending to 2,3 4 and 5.
This is the link to our Manuscript Submission