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10.9 years, found age to be an important predictor of CCA

IMT in both groups of subjects. Similarly, Ibinaiye

et al




among hypertensives that CCA IMT increased with age from 21

to 70 years in a study population sample drawn from northern

Nigeria. Ren

et al



also showed that middle-aged and older adults

with CVRFs displayed increased CIMT and higher grades of

severity than the younger age groups in Chinese subjects.

We found a relationship between traditional CVRFs and CA

in this study. Increased CIMT was independently predicted by


50 years (six times the unadjusted odds and 0.05 times the

adjusted odds in those under 50 years), hypertension (26 times

the unadjusted odds and 0.04 times the adjusted odds in those

without hypertension), intake of


2 g/day of alcohol (7.5 times

the unadjusted odds and 0.07 times the adjusted odds in those

who had never drunk or not taken in the past year), obesity

(seven times the unadjusted odds and 0.2 times the adjusted odds

in the non-obese) and dyslipidaemia (13 times the unadjusted

odds and 0.03 times the adjusted odds in the non-obese).

A Brazilian study by Baroncici

et al.


among 533 CVRF

subjects with a mean age of 67.06


12.44 years found male gender

in addition to hypertension and age to be risk factors that increased

CIMT. Gender was however not associated with increased CIMT

in our study. The differences in CVRFs associated with CA in

these studies could be due to ethnoracial differences, which should

be confirmed in larger multiracial studies.

Another key finding of this study was that CIMT increased as

the number or burden of CVRFs increased. Clustering of CVRFs

was seen in our sample population and the value of CIMT

paralleled the number of CVRFs in a linear, dose-dependent

fashion. The risk of atherosclerosis increases with increasing

burden of CVRFs. Previous studies


have confirmed the

greater impact of multiple risk factors on CIMT than individual

CVRFs in different population groups despite differences in age,

number of risk factors and race of the subjects and the carotid

segments studied.

The prevalence of CP in this study was 16.1%. The prevalence

of CP reported from other studies varies quite widely, despite

comparability in sonographic methods. This may be explained

by differences in sample characteristics, prominent among which

are racial and environmental differences. Umeh

et al



in a study

of normotensive and hypertensive subjects, found an overall

prevalence of CP of 25.8% (29.2 and 22.5% in the hypertensive

and normotensive subjects, respectively), which is higher than

our prevalence despite similarities in the segment of carotid

vessel where CIMT and CP were measured and the location of

the studies. The older age of their sample compared to ours may

partly explain the differences in CP prevalence. Interestingly,

we found in our study that the presence of carotid plaque was

independently predicted by age

50 years (seven times the

unadjusted odds and 0.2 times the adjusted odds in those



years) and hypertension (11 times the unadjusted odds and 0.3

times the adjusted odds in people without hypertension).

In support of our finding, a study in northern Nigeria,


which measured CIMT and CP in the CCA, similar to our study,

but in a slightly younger sample of hypertensive patients (mean

age of 50.62


10.46 years) than ours, expectedly found a lower

CP prevalence of 10%. A hospital-based study similar to ours

and the other two Nigerian studies,


done among Brazilians,


with a mean age of 67.06


12.44 years, found the prevalence of

CP to be 23.8% in their study, which is not unexpected, as the

mean age of the subjects in their study was higher than in the

three Nigerian studies.

Much higher prevalence of CP has been reported in the

literature in population-based studies such as the Northern

Manhattan Cohort Study (NOMAS),


with a unique race/

ethnic distribution of community residents aged

39 years,

which reported CP prevalence of 58% overall, 70% in Caucasian

participants, 52% in Hispanics and 58% in blacks. Also, in

Beijing, China,


the prevalence of CP was 60.3% among urban

residents aged 43–81 years, almost 70% in subjects

60 years,

and 80% in those

70 years. The population-based study setting,

which would have eliminated selection bias, in addition to the

lower age range of the participants in our study (23–81 years)

and the other three hospital-based studies by Umeh

et al




et al



and Baroncici

et al



compared to the NOMAS

(65–74 years) and Beijing studies (

75 years) might explain

the lower prevalence of CP found in our study and the three

hospital-based studies.

From our study, age

50 years, hypertension, dyslipidaemia,

obesity and alcohol intake


20 g/day explained 78.7% of

the variance in CIMT, while age

50 years and hypertension

explained 38.0% of the variance in CP. This finding suggests that

CIMT and CP may be influenced by different CVRFs, although

age and hypertension influenced both. The relationships between

CVRFs and carotid atherosclerosis could be properly evaluated

in a longitudinal study.

It is not surprising that age and hypertension rank high in

the prediction of CIMT and CP because they happen to be the

most important risk factors for stroke. Age is the most important

non-modifiable risk factor for stroke, while hypertension is

the most important modifiable risk factor. Santos

et al



in a

multicentre Brazilian study, found traditional CVRFs explained

14.1 to 37.3% of the CIMT variance. Kuo

et al.



in the NOMAS

study, found age, SBP, DBP, blood pressure- and lipid-lowering

medications and diabetes to be the traditional risk factors that

predicted CP and they explained 19.5% of variance in CP burden.

This difference can most likely be attributed to different

characteristics of the study populations (race, age), the carotid

segments measured, and study designs. Kuo

et al




near and far walls of the CCA, the bulb and internal carotid

artery (ICA) on both sides, while Santos

et al



measured the far

wall of the CCA, similar to us. Our study was a hospital-based

study, in contrast to the population-based studies by Kuo

et al



and Santos

et al



Another hospital-based study like ours found

age, gender, pack-years of smoking, SBP, DBP, DM, HDL-C,

and blood pressure- and lipid-lowering medications to be the

most significant determinants of carotid plaque area, explaining

52% of the variance in total plaque area (TPA).


Apart from

the difference in the predictors of CP between our study and

this hospital-based study, the difference in the measurement of

plaque considered (plaque thickness in our study versus total

plaque area in theirs) may explain the higher percentage of

variance in CP in that study.


The evidence from this study is limited by its cross-sectional

design and hospital-based setting. The analysis was also limited

to the CCA, which might not have detected the presence of

atherosclerosis in other vascular beds or the more distal segments