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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 30, No 4, July/August 2019



Case Report

Wellens’ syndrome: a life-saving diagnosis

Yan ming Chen, Kang xing Song


Wellens’ syndrome is a relatively common clinical entity;

however, it is often missed, especially in young patients.

Without prompt diagnosis and aggressive intervention,

patients with Wellens’ syndrome may rapidly go on to develop

extensive anterior wall myocardial infarction and possibly

sudden death. In this case report, we present a 33-year-old

male patient with atypical chest pain, and discuss the signifi-

cance of a prompt recognition of Wellens’ syndrome.


Wellens’ syndrome, ECG, electrocardiogram, young

patient, medical education

Submitted 19/1/19, accepted 22/2/19

Published online 24/5/19

Cardiovasc J Afr



: e1–e3

DOI: 10.5830/CVJA-2019-010

Wellens’ syndrome is a pattern of electrocardiographic T-wave

changes associated with severe stenosis of the left anterior

descending artery (LAD). The risk factors for Wellens’ syndrome

are the same as for acute coronary syndrome, such as diabetes

mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, advanced age, and

family history of premature coronary heart disease. However,

it is different from other acute coronary syndromes in that an

electrocardiogram (ECG) obtained during episodes of pain

demonstrates normalisation, and T-wave changes are found

during pain-free periods. Therefore it is inclined to be missed in

young patients without obvious cardiovascular risk factors.

Without prompt diagnosis and aggressive intervention,

patients with Wellens’ syndrome may rapidly go on to develop

extensive anterior wall myocardial infarction and possibly sudden

death. Immediate repetitive ECG evaluation after the chest pain

subsides and timely recognition of this diagnostic ECG pattern

are crucial to decrease cardiovascular risk. Here we report on a

fortunate young man with Wellens’ syndrome who was correctly

diagnosed and treated.

Case report

A 33-year old man was admitted to the hospital because of

intermittent chest pain for seven days. The chest pain was

substernal and ‘prickling’. It occurred in the morning and at

night, and lasted for 10 minutes to a few hours. He had no

history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, drug abuse

or family history of premature coronary heart disease. He had a

sedentary lifestyle.

The physical examination was unremarkable. The initial

ECG obtained after admission was normal. At 07:40 the next

morning, his pain recurred. An immediate ECG was obtained

and there were no obvious T-wave changes (Fig. 1A). Twenty

minutes later, the pain was relieved with 0.5 mg sublingual

nitroglycerin, and then a pain-free ECG was performed (Fig.

1B), which showed biphasic T waves in leads V2–V4.

The dynamic T-wave changes raised concerns about Wellens’

syndrome, which is associated with severe stenosis of the LAD.

The patient underwent immediate coronary angiography, and the

procedure showed 95% stenosis of the proximal LAD (Fig. 2A);

the stenosis was treated with a drug-eluting stent (Fig. 2B). The

troponin T level rose to a peak of 0.195 ng/ml (normal value


0.1 ng/ml).

The patient was discharged home symptom free and referred

to a cardiac rehabilitation programme. He has been in constant

follow up and has not experienced angina again.


Wellens’ syndrome is a pre-infarction stage of coronary artery

disease. It comprises 10 to 15% of all acute coronary syndromes

in the USA. However, it is often missed, especially in young



Khan reported Wellens’ syndrome in a 24-year-old woman

with atypical chest pain and characteristic ECG changes. This

was initially unrecognised and the young patient subsequently

progressed to an anterior non-ST elevation myocardial



Wang reported another Wellens’ syndrome in a

22-year-old man.


Both young patients in these two cases

had cardiovascular risk factors, namely diabetes and familial

hypercholesterolaemia, respectively.


Our case was different, as

the young patient has no obvious cardiovascular risk factors or

family history of premature coronary heart disease.

Wellens’ syndrome is prone to misdiagnosis. However the

characteristic ECG pattern is specific for a differential diagnosis.

Wellens’ syndrome, first reported by de Zwaan in 1982, is

a pattern of electrocardiographic T-wave changes associated

with severe stenosis of the LAD.


More specifically, Wellens’

syndrome can be classified into two types. Type 1 Wellens

constitutes 24% of cases, is less common, poorly recognised, and

Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Chinese

PLA, Beijing, China

Yan ming Chen MD,

Kang xing Song, MD