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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 31, No 6, November/December 2020



associations between moderate-to-vigorous PA or vigorous PA

and CIMT.


Teachers are considered to be in a high-stress profession where

sub-optimal facilities, lack of support, unsupportive parents,

teaching evaluation and time-management issues, changes in

curricula, organisational policies, heavy workload, overcrowded

classes, limited resources, high accountability, uncertainties over

job security, low salaries, fatigue and parental expectations all

contribute to the stress associated with the profession.



to the workload and nature of the occupation, teachers spend

a lot of their time sedentary and little time at higher levels of



The high job demands together with a lack of PA may

lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and



Cardiovascular disease and physical inactivity are

among the significant causes of mortality and morbidity in both

the general population


and in teachers.


We aimed therefore

to investigate the relationship between objectively measured PA

over seven consecutive days and CIMT among teachers in South



This research formed part of the Sympathetic Activity and

Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Africans (SABPA) prospective

cohort study, which commenced in 2008/2009 (phase 1) and

was followed up in 2011/2012 (phase 2). Phase 2 data were

collected similarly to the phase 1 baseline measurements.



the objective of the study, a cross-sectional study design was

followed using the second phase of measurement.

Urban-dwelling South African school teachers residing in

the Dr Kenneth Kaunda education district (Potchefstroom

and Klerksdorp), North West Province, South Africa, were

recruited to participate in the SABPA study (


= 2 170). The

study excluded pregnant or lactating female teachers, users of


- and


-blockers, psychotropic substance abusers, blood donors

or people vaccinated in the last three months, or individuals

with tympanum temperature

37.5°C. Preliminary screening

identified eligible participants (


= 409), all of whom were school

teachers (aged 25–65 years) of similar socio-economic standing.

Participants who wore the ActiHeart (GBO/67703, CamNtech

Ltd, Cambridgeshire, UK) for a full seven days or had less than

40 minutes of ‘lost’ time (


= 216) in phase 2 were included.

The SABPA study was approved by the Ethics Review

Board of the North-West University (Potchefstroom campus:

NWU-0036-07-S6) and adhered to the principles outlined in the

Declaration of Helsinki (2004). Permission to conduct this study

was obtained from the North West Department of Education,

as well as the South African Democratic Teachers Union. All

participants voluntarily signed an informed consent form before

any data were collected.

A 24-hour standardised diet was provided. Each participant’s

data were collected over eight days. During the first two days,

24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, information on lifestyle

risk factors and cardiovascular and biochemical measurements

were collected. For the following seven days, an ActiHeart

recorded the participant’s PA. The participants stayed over at

the Metabolic Unit research facility at North-West University

where they were introduced to the experimental set-up and were

assigned a private bedroom.

Before resuming their normal activities on day 1, the

Cardiotens ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitor (Meditech,

Budapest, Hungary) was fitted to measure 24-hour BP. Normal

BP, categorised as systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP), was

130/80 mmHg.


On the second day of measurements, body composition and

CIMT were measured. Participants’ height (cm), body weight

(kg) and waist circumference (WC; cm) were measured by two

level-two kinanthropometrists in triplicate according to the

International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry



Waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) of the participants was

calculated as weight (kg)/height (m).

BMI was calculated as weight (kg)/height (m)


and expressed

in kg/m




BMI was classified according to the cut-off points of

the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)


as follows:

underweight = BMI < 18.5 kg/m


; normal weight = BMI

between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m


; overweight = BMI between 25.0

and 29.9 kg/m


; and obesity = BMI ≥ 30 kg/m


. Intra- and inter-

observer variability were less than 5%.

PA of the participants was measured using a combined heart

rate and accelerometer (the ActiHeart) over seven consecutive

days. Participants were requested to continue with their daily

activities, continuously wearing the ActiHeart monitor while

awake or asleep. Individual step test calibration was not

performed due to the high cardiovascular risk profiles of

various participants


and time restrictions during clinical data

collection. Therefore, self-reported PA was used to programme

the ActiHeart for each participant.


The resting heart rate of the participants was obtained from

a resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (NORAV Medical Ltd PC

1200, software v5.030, Kiryat Bialik, Israel), performed by a

registered nurse, and was used to calculate the sleeping heart

rate required to be entered into the ActiHeart program when the

device was being fitted to each participant.

The seven-day recordings for each participant were visually

assessed to distinguish between time spent awake (awake time)

and time spent asleep. Heart rate, metabolic equivalent of task

(METs) and activity levels were used to distinguish between time

spent awake and asleep. When the heart rate gradually decreased

(throughout 15 or more epochs) in the evening to less than the

average heart rate in a selected awake-time sedentary sample

period, and the activity level was equal to zero, the participant

was considered to be sleeping. The end of sleeping time could

clearly be seen by an immediate increase in heart rate of more

than 10 to 20 beats per minute, as well as increased METs and

increased activity level.

The ActiHeart software was used to derive daily time spent in

various MET categories according to activity energy expenditure

(AEE). The derived daily time spent in multiple MET categories

was grouped according to daily awake time being sedentary (≤

1.5 METs) and time participating in light-intensity PA (1.5–3



AEE, total energy expenditure (TEE) and PA level

(PAL) were also determined by the ActiHeart using inbuilt

equations based on a branched model approach, calculated

based on the combination of heart rate and accelerometer. PAL

was calculated as TEE/resting energy expenditure (REE).

Ultimately, after the data were analysed, participants were

allocated to one of two PA groups for analysis purposes,

sedentary (≤ 1.5 METs) or light-intensity PA (1.5–3 METs),

depending on their total activity levels. Only one participant was

classified as moderate-to-high PA (> 3 METs) and, based on