CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 28, No 1, January/February 2017
. argued that their result indicates deficient adropin expression
in EPACS patients, and adropin deficiency could be involved in
the development and progression of EPACS. The reason for the
difference in results is unknown.
et al
. measured single-time serum adropin levels in EPACS
patients, while in our study we measured the time courses of
serum and salivary adropin levels in patients and controls.
In our
zero-time samples, serum and saliva adropin values were slightly
(insignificantly) lower in EPACS patients than in controls, and
this could have corresponded to the single-time values measured
by Yu
et al.
The adropin levels then started to increase and
peaked at six hours after EPACS, potentially explaining the
apparent conflict. Also, the mean adropin level is reported to be
significantly lower in certain diseases, including in patients with
late saphenous vein graft occlusion.
Another possibiliy is that
the adropin level was reduced in the baseline blood sample taken
within 30 to 40 minutes of admission to hospital.
Although the glucose level was within normal physiological
limits in the EPACS patients, it was higher than in the controls.
This could have been due to the effect of increased epinephrine
secretion after EPACS, causing glycogenolysis in the liver
and releasing glucose into the blood.
There was an inverse
relationship between adropin and glucose levels.
et al
reported the same glucose levels. Different drugs used to treat
EPACS could also have affected the adropin levels differently.
Here we also assumed that the increased expression of adropin
in saliva and serum could indicate acute cardiac injury caused by
ACS, and could be central to the development of key pathologies
associated with EPACS in humans, but further studies are
needed to resolve the conflict between findings.
Salivary glands are now known to secrete a range of peptides/
proteins involved in regulating endocrinemetabolism.
in this study we also investigated whether the salivary glands
produce adropin. The immunochemical findings indicated that
adropin is one of the most abundant proteins secreted by
human salivary glands, as previously described for peptides such
as irisin,
and hepcidin.
Adropin is synthesised
in the intercalated duct of the parotid, the mucous acinus
of the sublingual, and the striated and interlobular ducts of
the submandibular glands, and is co-localised with irisin,
and hepcidin
in those glands. Its expression has
also been demonstrated in the liver, brain, cerebellum, kidneys,
heart, pancreas and vascular tissues.
The ELISA results in
this study revealed that salivary and serum adropin levels were
substantially higher in EPACS patients than in the controls and
stable CAD patients (0.67–0.8 ng/ml).
The adropin levels in saliva were already elevated and
increasd further at four and six hours after EPACS. The origin
of the high salivary adropin levels is not known but it probably
comes from the plasma after saturation, or a larger amount of
cardiac adropin is secreted by the salivary glands. Because there
is evidence that some of these striated duct proteins are secreted
basally, i.e. into the circulation,
we concluded that EPACS
induces the synthesis of salivary adropin, and the quantity of
adropin in the saliva could be useful for early management
of EPACS, in conjunction with serum adropin measurement.
This research also showed that blood levels of CK-MB and
CK increased within 30 to 40 minutes (zero time) after EPACS,
peaked at six hours, and started to decrease after 12 hours but
remained higher than control levels, even at 48 hours.
In this study, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves
were used to determine the sensitivity and specificity of serum
and saliva adropin levels in EPACS patients. At four hours
after ACS, serum adropin exhibited 91.7% sensitivity and 50%
specificity at a confidence interval of 95% when the cut-off
value was 4.43 ng/ml, while serum troponin I exhibited 100%
sensitivity and 100% specificity at a confidence interval of 95%
when the cut-off value was 0.141 ng/ml. At four hours after
ACS, the saliva adropin concentration had a sensitivity of 91.7%
and a specificity of 57% at a confidence interval of 95% when
the cut-off value was 4.12 ng/ml. At six hours after ACS, the
serum adropin exhibited 91.7% sensitivity and 64% specificity
at a confidence interval of 95% when the cut-off value was 5.37
ng/ml, while serum troponin I exhibited 100% sensitivity and
100% specificity at a confidence interval of 95% when the cut-off
value was 0.226 ng/ml. At six hours after ACS, the saliva adropin
concentration had a sensitivity of 91.7% and a specificity of
57% at a confidence interval of 95% when the cut-off value was
4.24 ng/ml. ROC curve analysis indicated that serum troponin
I and adropin concentrations diagnosed EPACS with over 90%
sensitivity in emergency, cardiology and cardovascular surgery
Serum and saliva adropin measurements were not as specific
as serum troponin I for diagnosing EPACS. Serum troponin
I was still superior to serum or saliva adropin, even though
there is the advantage of taking a salivary sample, which can
be collected without a venous blood sample. Nevertheless,
serum or saliva adropin could still be useful in diagnosing
EPACS in the future. First-generation ELISA adropin kits,
even from the same company, gave variable results, and there
was even more variability among kits from different companies.
More reproducible and automated adropin measurements could
overcome the current shortfall in specificity, since diagnosis of
EPACS by adropin is highly sensitive.
Our study had other limitations, especially the small number
of patients. Also, this was a single-centre study. The results
should be confirmed in a prospective, multicentre study
involving more patients. Moreover, adropin is expressed in many
tissues, and we did not examine their possible contributions as
potential confounders to our measured saliva and serum adropin
concentrations. Our previous animal studies revealed that liver
and kidney tissue adropin concentrations were considerably
changed by isoproterenol-induced EPACS.
The composition and production of saliva is also variable
(like urine),
and this theoretically makes the quantitative
determination of any substance unreliable. However, there was
a good correlation between the salivary and serum adropin
concentrations in this study. This may have been due to the
added protease inhibitor (aprotinin) before collection of the
biological samples.
Protease inhibitor protects the peptide of
interest (adropin) from degradation.
We also believe that a less
robust correlation in a larger study could be attributed to this
Despite these limitations, this study provides novel evidence
of a connection between increased saliva/serum adropin levels
and EPACS. The saliva adropin concentration was higher than
the serum adropin level in subjects with and without EPACS.