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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 29, No 4, July/August 2018



carbon monoxide may play minor roles. In addition to these

chemical factors, the high pressure in the ductus lumen helps to

keep it open.

After birth, the lowered pulmonary vascular resistance lowers

pressure in the ductus lumen, and PGE


decreases both from

loss of placental prostaglandins and a reduced number of PGE


receptors in the ductus wall. The increase in arterial oxygen

content has several actions that favour constriction of the

ductus. A membrane-bound cytochrome 450 acts as a transducer

to produce vasoconstrictors.


Oxygen inhibits potassium

channels, produces membrane depolarisation, increases smooth

muscle calcium, and induces the formation of endothelin-1; all

these changes stimulate vasoconstriction, although the role of

endothelin-1 is not clear.


At birth, the ductus is wide open so that despite the shelf, blood

can flow freely from ascending to descending aorta (Fig. 2A).

The ductus closes first at its pulmonary arterial end, but the wide

ductus ampulla provides space for unobstructed flow (Fig. 2B).

This region then narrows further as the ductus ampulla shrinks

and the ductus sling contracts, drawing the lateral wall towards

the closing ampulla (Fig. 2C).


As a rule of thumb, an artery must be narrowed by more

than 50% before any obstruction occurs, but once this degree

of narrowing occurs, it takes very little additional narrowing

to produce severe obstruction, which can occur very rapidly.

(This functional narrowing can be reversed by infusing PGE





The sudden severe obstruction overloads the left ventricle,

causing left ventricular failure, pulmonary hypertension, right

ventricular failure and systemic congestion. Pulmonary oedema

is often seen.

If the foramen ovale is patent there will be a left-to-right

atrial shunt that can be large, and if it occurs there may be no

or less pulmonary oedema, because left atrial pressure is lower.

The patient often goes into shock. If the narrowing of the aorta

occurs very slowly, the left ventricle has time to adapt to the

increased pressure load and develop a collateral circulation and

shock and congestive heart failure do not occur. These patients

are usually asymptomatic and are diagnosed at older ages.

Diagnosis: critical coarctation of the aorta in


Coarctation of the aorta is a treacherous disease that is often

undiagnosed. When neonates present with shock, the most

common cause is sepsis, followed closely by left heart obstruction

(aortic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta), which must always be

excluded. These cardiac lesions usually have insignificant and

non-diagnostic murmurs. The electrocardiograms show right

ventricular hypertrophy, not left ventricular hypertrophy as

expected from a left heart obstructive lesion. A chest radiogram

will show a dilated heart and either pulmonary oedema or a left-

to-right shunt. The liver is usually enlarged.

Recent studies done in Scandinavia found that at least

50% of these neonates were discharged without a diagnosis,


and that most were still undiagnosed at five days after birth.


In California, Chang

et al



found that 27% of patients with

coarctation of the aorta died undiagnosed at a median age of

17 days. Ward

et al



observed that infants with symptomatic

coarctation of the aorta presented between five and 14 days

after birth.

Coarctation can be detected by foetal echocardiography if

performed by an expert, but even then is often not detected.



is therefore not a diagnostic method for general use.

In older patients the main physical signs are hypertension in

the arms and weak, delayed femoral arterial pulses. These signs

however, are either not detected or are unreliable in neonates

because in most of the infants there is no obstruction to flow

immediately after birth, and hypertension or weak femoral

pulses may take several days to appear. Feeling femoral pulses

may be difficult, especially in plump babies, and by the time

decreased femoral pulses are obvious, the obstruction is fairly

severe. Taking four-limb blood pressures in normal neonates is

not routine, and even if performed, the pressures may not be

accurate. If blood pressures are taken, use the right rather than

the left arm.

When pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart

disease in neonates was introduced, several patients with

coarctation of the aorta were detected because they had a right-

to-left shunt through the patent ductus arteriosus. Unfortunately,

this occurs in only a minority of coarctations, perhaps related to

the anatomy of the region, so that pulse oximetry cannot be

relied upon for the diagnosis.


At present, there is no easy way to make this diagnosis in a

timely fashion. The best way is to have all neonates seen between

three and seven days after birth by a physician or nurse who

can check the femoral pulses. If these are found to be decreased

then immediate transfer to a hospital for treatment should be

done. Waiting is not an option because the likely course is rapid

deterioration. If the patient is already symptomatic, an infusion

of prostaglandin PGE


at 0.05 to 0.15 mcg/kg/min will help to

relax the ductus muscle and reduce the obstruction, relieve the

symptoms, allow the left ventricle to recover, and make definitive

treatment safer.













Fig. 2.

A: At birth, the ductus (PDA) is wide open, so

that despite the coarctation shelf (Coa), flow is not

obstructed. Dashed line with arrow shows unimpeded

flow. B: Ductus closes at its connection to the main

pulmonary artery, but its ampulla still provides a

detour for flow. Dashed line with arrow shows unim-

peded flow. C: Narrowing of the ductus ampulla leads

to severe flow obstruction. Heavy dashed line shows

obstructed flow. AA: ascending aorta; DA: descending
