Cardiovascular Journal of Africa: Vol 23 No 5 (June 2012) - page 80

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Package Insert for Bayer Aspirin Cardio
Weisman SM, Graham DY. Evaluation of the benefits and risks of low-dose aspirin in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular events. 2002;162:2197-2202.
WebMD. Heart Disease Health Centre: Low-Dose Aspirin Therapy – Topic Overview
S0 Bayer
Aspirin Cardio 100. Each tablet contains 100 mg of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Reg. No. 31/8/0413. For full prescribing information refer to the package insert approved by the Medicines Regulatory
Authority (MCC). Bayer (Pty) Ltd, Reg.No.1968/011192/07. 27 Wrench Road, Isando, 1609. Tel (011) 921-5911. L.ZA.GM.04.2012.0409 10000141HC
Reduce your risk of stroke and heart
attack with Bayer Aspirin Cardio
Aspirin, an antiplatelet agent, which slows the clotting process, is widely used among patients with
cardiovascular disease, which includes heart attacks, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.
1, 2, 5, 6
During a heart attack, blood clots form in an already-narrowed artery and block the flow of oxygen-rich
blood to the heart muscle or to parts of the brain, in the case of a stroke.
Studies have shown that aspirin reduced the number of strokes by 20 % and heart attacks by 30 %.
It has been determined that for every 67 patients treated to protect against heart attacks and stroke, one
life could be saved with low-dose aspirin therapy.
Doctors use different guidelines to decide who should take daily aspirin. Consult your Doctor or Pharmacist.
Major Risk Factors Include:
Cigarette smoking
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
High cholesterol
Diabetes mellitus
Advancing age
Atrial Fibrilation
Other Risk Factors Include:
Physical Inactivity
Family History of premature
coronary heart disease
Blood clotting abnormalities
Information brought to you by Bayer, the innovators of Aspirin.
Why take Bayer Aspirin Cardio
What are the Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke?
3, 4
Today’s Prevention. Tomorrow’s Protection.
their passion
for living.
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