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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 27, No 5, September/October 2016




In this study, 21 patients with Wilson’s disease who applied to

our hospital’s Paediatric Gastroenterology Department between

May and October 2013 were included (



0.05, 1–




changing ratio


0.0015). The control group consisted of 20 age-

and gender-matched healthy children. Patients with any chronic

disease, obesity and hypertension in addition to Wilson’s disease

or history of drug use that may have affected cardiac function

were excluded from the study.

Diagnosis of Wilson’s disease was made by the Paediatric

Gastroenterology Department, based on the presence of signs

of liver or neurological disease and the detection of Kayser–

Fleischer rings, low ceruloplasmin, and elevated levels of urinary

and hepatic copper. Liver biopsies were done for all patients and

associated histological changes in the liver were confirmed.

Before the study, approval of the ethics committee of

the Medical School of Inonu University in accordance with

Declaration of Helsinki was received.

Age, body weight, height and body surface area were recorded

in the patient and control groups. The age at diagnosis of

Wilson’s disease was also recorded in the patient group. All

subjects were evaluated with ECG before echocardiographic


All patients and controls were evaluated with two-dimension-

al (2D) and color-coded conventional transthoracic echocar-

diography by the same paediatric cardiologist, using the same

echocardiography machine (Vivid E9, GE Healthcare, Norway)

in the standard precordial positions, according to the American

Society of Echocardiography recommendations.


Left ventricu-

lar dimensions, left ventricular wall thickness, end-diastolic and

end-systolic volumes, stroke volume, cardiac index, ejection frac-

tion and fractional shortening were measured using M-mode

echocardiography in the parasternal long-axis view.

2D strain and strain rate echocardiography were performed

by a paediatric cardiologist after the ECG probes of the

echocardiography machine (Vivid E9, GE) were adjusted for

ECG monitoring. Grey images were obtained from the apical

four-, three- and two-chamber, and short-axis view at the

papillary muscle position using tissue harmonic imaging with

frame rates of 70 per second. All the images that were obtained

in the left lateral decubitus position and under ECG monitoring

were stored for offline analysis.

2D strain and strain rate measurements were performed using

the ECHOPAC software package. As previously described, the

endocardial border was traced manually on a single end-diastolic

frame and the software automatically tracked the contour on

subsequent frames. Tracking accuracy was verified in real time

and corrected by adjusting the region of interest or by manually

correcting the contour to ensure optimal tracking. If required,

region-of-interest width or smoothing functions were changed

for optimal tracking. Once the contours were approved by the

paediatric cardiologist, the software calculated longitudinal,

transverse, radial and global strains for the respective segments.

For long-axis strain and strain rate evaluation, the atrioventricular

valve closure time was selected manually.

As described, longitudinal and transverse radial strain, and

strain rate were assessed from six basal and six mid-ventricular

segments of the left ventricle, as recommended by the American

Society of Echocardiography (Figs 1–4). This included apical,

mid- and basal segments from the four-, two- and three-chamber

view of the left ventricle, and anterior, septal and inferior

segments from the short-axis view of the left ventricle.

Statistical analysis

SPSS 16.0 was used for statistical analysis. The normality was

tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The unpaired



was used to test for differences between categorical data of

Fig. 1.

Echocardiograph shows segmental analysis of left

ventricle after 2D speckle tracking from the apical four-

chamber view.

Fig. 2.

Echocardiograph shows segmental analysis of left

ventricle after 2D speckle tracking from the apical

two-chamber view.