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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 27, No 2, March/April 2016



An increase in stroke volume is possible due to the early

increase in ventricular wall muscle mass and end-diastolic

volume (but not end-diastolic pressure) seen in pregnancy. The

heart is physiologically dilated and myocardial contractility

is increased. Although stroke volume declines towards term,

the increase in maternal heart rate (10–20 bpm) is maintained,

thus preserving the increased cardiac output. Blood pressure

decreases in the first and second trimesters but increases to

non-pregnant levels in the third trimester.

There is a profound effect of maternal position towards

term upon the haemodynamic profile of both the mother and

foetus. In the supine position, pressure of the gravid uterus on

the inferior vena cava (IVC) causes a reduction in venous return

to the heart and a consequent fall in stroke volume and cardiac

output. Turning from the lateral to the supine position may

result in a 25% reduction in cardiac output. Pregnant women

should therefore be nursed in the left or right lateral position

wherever possible. If the woman has to be kept on her back,

the pelvis should be rotated so that the uterus drops to the side

and off the IVC, and cardiac output and uteroplacental blood

flow are optimised. Reduced cardiac output is associated with

a reduction in uterine blood flow and therefore in placental

perfusion, which could compromise the foetus.

Although both blood volume and stroke volume increase

in pregnancy, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and central

venous pressure do not increase significantly. Pulmonary vascular

resistance (PVR), like systemic vascular resistance (SVR),

decreases significantly in normal pregnancy. Although there is no

increase in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), serum

colloid osmotic pressure is reduced by 10–15%. The colloid

osmotic pressure/pulmonary capillary wedge pressure gradient

is reduced by about 30%, making pregnant women particularly

susceptible to pulmonary oedema. Pulmonary oedema will be

precipitated if there is either an increase in cardiac pre-load

(such as infusion of fluids) or increased pulmonary capillary

permeability (such as in pre-eclampsia) or both.

Labour is associated with further increases in cardiac output

(15% in the first stage and 50% in the second stage) Uterine

contractions lead to an auto-transfusion of 300–500 ml of blood

back into the circulation and the sympathetic response to pain

and anxiety further elevate the heart rate and blood pressure.

Cardiac output is increased between contractions but more so

during contractions.

Following delivery there is an immediate rise in cardiac

output due to relief of the inferior vena cava obstruction and

contraction of the uterus, which empties blood into the systemic

circulation. Cardiac output increases by 60–80%, followed by

a rapid decline to pre-labour values within about one hour of

delivery. Transfer of fluid from the extravascular space increases

venous return and stroke volume further.

Those women with cardiovascular compromise are therefore

most at risk of pulmorary oedema during the second stage of

labour and the immediate postpartum period. Cardiac output

has nearly returned to normal (pre-pregnancy values) two

weeks after delivery, although some pathological changes (e.g.

hypertension in pre-eclampsia) may take much longer.

The above physiological changes lead to changes on

cardiovascular examination that may be misinterpreted as

pathological by those unfamiliar with pregnancy. Changes may

include a bounding or collapsing pulse and an ejection systolic

murmur, present in over 90% of pregnant women. The murmur

may be loud and audible all over the precordium, with the first

heart sound loud and possibly sometimes a third heart sound.

There may be ectopic beats and peripheral oedema.

Normal findings on ECG in pregnancy that may partly relate

to changes in the position of the heart include:

atrial and ventricular ectopics

Q wave (small) and inverted T wave in lead III

ST-segment depression and T-wave inversion in the inferior

and lateral leads

left-axis shift of QRS.

Adaptive changes in renal vasculature

The primary adaptive mechanism in pregnancy is a marked fall

in systemic vascular resistance (SVR) occurring by week six of

gestation. The 40% fall in SVR also affects the renal vasculature.


Despite a major increase in plasma volume during pregnancy, the

massive decrease in SVR creates a state of arterial under-filling

because 85% of the volume resides in the venous circulation.


This arterial under-filling state is unique to pregnancy. The fall

in SVR is combined with increased renal blood flow and this is in

contrast to other states of arterial under-filling, such as cirrhosis,

sepsis or arterio-venous fistulas.


Relaxin, a peptide hormone produced by the corpus luteum,

decidua and placenta, plays an important role in the regulation

of haemodynamic and water metabolism during pregnancy.

Serum concentrations of relaxin, already elevated in the luteal

phase of the menstrual cycle, rise after conception to a peak at

the end of the first trimester and fall to an intermediate value

throughout the second and third trimester. Relaxin stimulates

the formation of endothelin, which in turn mediates vasodilation

of renal arteries via nitric oxide (NO) synthesis.


Despite activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone

(RAA) system in early pregnancy, a simultaneous relative

resistance to angiotensin II develops, counterbalancing the

vasoconstrictive effect and allowing profound vasodilatation.


This insensitivity to angiotensin II may be explained by the

effects of progesterone and vascular endothelial growth factor-

mediated prostacyclin production, as well as modifications in

the angiotensin I receptors during pregnancy.


The vascular

refractoriness to angiotensin II may also be shared by other

vasoconstrictors such as adrenergic agonists and arginine

vasopressin (AVP).


It is possible that in the second half of

pregnancy, the placental vasodilatators are more important in

the maintenance of the vasodilatatory state.


Changes in renal anatomy and function

As a consequence of renal vasodilatation, renal plasma flow

and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) both increase, compared

to non-pregnant levels, by 40–65 and 50–85%, respectively. In

addition, the increase in plasma volume causes decreased oncotic

pressure in the glomeruli, with a subsequent rise in GFR.


Vascular resistance decreases in both the renal afferent and

efferent arterioles and therefore, despite the massive increase in

renal plasma flow, glomerular hydrostatic pressure remains stable,

avoiding the development of glomerular hypertension. As the

GFR rises, both serum creatinine and urea concentrations decrease

to mean values of about 44.2 μmol/l and 3.2 mmol/l, respectively.