CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 27, No 2, March/April 2016
Pituitary gland
The pituitary gland enlarges in pregnancy and this is mainly due
to proliferation of prolactin-producing cells in the anterior lobe.
Serum prolactin levels increase in the first trimester and are 10
times higher at term. The increase in prolactin is most likely due
to increasing serum oestradiol concentrations during pregnancy.
Levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising
hormone (LH) are undetectable during pregnancy due to the
negative feedback from elevated levels of oestrogen, progesterone
and inhibin.
Pituitary growth hormone production is decreased
but serum growth hormone levels are increased due to growth
hormone production from the placenta.
The posterior pituitary produces oxytocin and arginine
vasopressin (AVP). Oxytocin levels increase in pregnancy
and peak at term. Levels of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
remain unchanged but the decrease in sodium concentration in
pregnancy causes a decrease in osmolality. There is therefore a
resetting of osmoreceptors for ADH release and thirst.
Glucose metabolism
Pregnancy is a diabetogenic state and the adaptations in glucose
metabolism allow shunting of glucose to the foetus to promote
development, while maintaining adequate maternal nutrition.
Insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells undergo hyperplasia, resulting
in increased insulin secretion and increased insulin sensitivity in
early pregnancy, followed by progressive insulin resistance.
Maternal insulin resistance begins in the second trimester
and peaks in the third trimester. This is the result of increasing
secretion of diabetogenic hormones such as human placental
lactogen, growth hormone, progesterone, cortisol and prolactin.
These hormones cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity in the
peripheral tissues such as adipocytes and skeletal muscle by
interfering with insulin receptor signalling.
The effect of
the placental hormones on insulin sensitivity is made evident
postpartumwhen there is a sudden decrease in insulin resistance.
Insulin levels are increased in both the fasting and postprandial
states in pregnancy. Fasting glucose levels are however decreased
due to:
increased storage of tissue glycogen
increased peripheral glucose use
decrease in glucose production by the liver
uptake of glucose by the foetus.
Insulin resistance and relative hypoglycaemia results in lipolysis,
allowing the pregnant mother to preferentially use fat for fuel,
preserving the available glucose and amino acids for the foetus and
minimising protein catabolism. The placenta allows transfer of
glucose, amino acids and ketones to the foetus but is impermeable
to large lipids. If a woman’s endocrine pancreatic function is
impaired, and she is unable to overcome the insulin resistance
associated with pregnancy then gestational diabetes develops.
Lipid metabolism
There is an increase in total serum cholesterol and triglyceride
levels in pregnancy. The increase in triglyceride levels is mainly as a
result of increased synthesis by the liver and decreased lipoprotein
lipase activity, resulting in decreased catabolism of adipose tissue.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels also increase
and reach 50% at term. High-density lipoprotein levels increase
in the first half of pregnancy and fall in the third trimester but
concentrations are 15% higher than non-pregnant levels.
Changes in lipid metabolism accommodate the needs of the
developing foetus. Increased triglyceride levels provide for the
mother’s energy needs while glucose is spared for the foetus.
The increase in LDL cholesterol is important for placental
Protein metabolism
Pregnant women require an increased intake of protein during
pregnancy. Amino acids are actively transported across the
placenta to fulfill the needs of the developing foetus. During
pregnancy, protein catabolism is decreased as fat stores are used
to provide for energy metabolism.
Calcium metabolism
The average foetus requires about 30 g of calcium to maintain its
physiological processes. Most of this calcium is transferred to the
foetus during the third trimester and is derived from increased
dietary absorption by the mother.
There is a decrease in total
serum calcium concentration during pregnancy. This is mainly
due to a decrease in serum albumin levels due to haemodilution,
resulting in a decrease in the albumin-bound fraction of calcium.
However the physiologically important fraction, serum ionised
calcium, remains unchanged.
Therefore maternal serum levels
of calcium are maintained during pregnancy and foetal needs are
met by increased intestinal absorption, which doubles from 12
weeks’ gestation. However the peak demand for calcium is only
in the third trimester. This early increase in calcium absorption
may allow the maternal skeleton to store calcium in advance.
Serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D increase and this is
metabolised further into 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D. The increase
in 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D is directly responsible for the
increase in intestinal calcium absorption.
Increased calcium absorption is associated with an increase in
calcium excretion in the urine and these changes begin from 12
weeks. During periods of fasting, urinary calcium values are low
or normal, confirming that hypercalciuria is the consequence of
increased absorption.
Pregnancy is therefore a risk factor for
kidney stones.
Skeletal and bone density changes
There is controversy regarding the effect of pregnancy on maternal
bone loss. Although pregnancy and lactation are associated with
reversible bone loss, studies do not support an association between
parity and osteoporosis in later life.
Bone turnover is low in the
first trimester and increases in the third trimester when foetal
calcium needs are increased. The source of the calcium in the third
trimester is previously stored skeletal calcium.
A study of bone biopsies in pregnancy has shown a change
in the micro-architectural pattern of bone in pregnancy but not
overall bone mass.
The changes reflect the need for the maternal
skeleton to be resistant to bending forces and biochemical
stresses needed to carry the growing foetus.
Other musculoskeletal changes seen in pregnancy include:
exaggerated lordosis of the lower back, forward flexion of the
neck and downward movement of the shoulders