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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 29, No 2, March/April 2018



Participation in research improves overall patient

management: insights from the Global Rheumatic Heart

Disease registry (REMEDY)

EA Prendergast, S Perkins, ME Engel, B Cupido, V Francis, A Joachim, M Al Kebsi, F Bode-Thomas,

A Damasceno, A Abul Fadl, A El Sayed, B Gitura, N Kennedy, A Ibrahim, J Mucumbitsi, AM Adeoye,

J Musuku, E Okello, T Olunuga, S Sheta, BM Mayosi, LJ Zühlke, for the REMEDY investigators



Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a major

public health problem in low- and middle-income countries

(LMICs), with a paucity of high-quality trial data to improve

patient outcomes. Investigators felt that involvement in a

recent large, observational RHD study impacted positively on

their practice, but this was poorly defined.


The purpose of this study was to document the expe-

rience of investigators and research team members from

LMICs who participated in a prospective, multi-centre study,

the global Rheumatic Heart Disease Registry (REMEDY),

conducted in 25 centres in 14 countries from 2010 to 2012.


We conducted an online survey of site personnel

to identify and quantify their experiences. Telephone inter-

views were conducted with a subset of respondents to gather

additional qualitative data. We asked about their experi-

ences, positive and negative, and about any changes in RHD

management practices resulting from their participation in

REMEDY as a registry site.


The majority of respondents in both the survey

and telephone interviews indicated that participation as a

registry site improved their management of RHD patients.

Administrative changes included increased attention to

follow-up appointments and details in patient records. Clinical

changes included increased use of penicillin prophylaxis, and

Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Red Cross

War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Faculty of Health

Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South


EA Prendergast, BA

S Perkins, MS

A Joachim, RN

LJ Zühlke, MB ChB, FCPaeds, Cert Card, MPH, FESC, FACC, PhD,

Department of Medicine, Groote Schuur Hospital, Faculty

of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town,

South Africa

ME Engel, BSc (Med) Hons, MPH, PhD

V Francis, BA (Nursing)

B Mayosi, MB ChB, FESC, DPhil

LJ Zühlke, MB ChB, FCPaeds, Cert Card, MPH, FESC, FACC, PhD

Division of Cardiology, Groote Schuur Hospital, Faculty

of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town,

South Africa

B Cupido, MB ChB, Cert Card, MPhil

B Mayosi, MB ChB, FESC, DPhil

LJ Zühlke, MB ChB, FCPaeds, Cert Card, MPH, FESC, FACC, PhD

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Sana’a,

Al-Thawrah, Cardiac Centre, Sana’a, Yemen

M Al Kebsi, MD, PhD

Departments of Paediatrics, University of Jos and Jos

University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria

F Bode-Thomas, MD

Department of Medicine, Eduardo Mondlane University,

Maputo, Mozambique

A Damasceno, MD, PhD

Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt

A Abul Fadl, MD

Cardiothoracic Surgery Department, Al Shaab Teaching

Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Alzaiem Alazhari

University, Khartoum, Sudan

A El Sayed, MD

A Ibrahim, MD, MSc (Echo), Dip Cardiol (London)

Cardiology Unit, Department of Medicine, Kenyatta

National Teaching and Referral Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

B Gitura, MD

Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, College of

Medicine, University of Malawi, Blantyre, Malawi; Centre

for Medical Education, Queen’s University, Belfast; Royal

Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Belfast, Ireland

N Kennedy, MB ChB, MMed Sci

Paediatric Cardiology Unit, Department of Paediatrics,

King Faisal Hospital, Kigali, Rwanda

J Mucumbitsi, MD

Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University

College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria

AM Adeoye, MD

University Teaching Hospital, Department of Paediatrics

and Child Health, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia

J Musuku, MD

Uganda Heart Institute, Kampala, Uganda

E Okello, MD, PhD

Department of Medicine, Federal Medical Centre,

Abeokuta, Nigeria

T Olunuga, MD

Department of Paediatrics, Division of Paediatric Cardiology,

Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University Children’s Hospital,

Cairo, Egypt

S Sheta, MD, PhD

Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape

Town, South Africa

BM Mayosi, MB ChB, FESC, DPhil