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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 29, No 2, March/April 2018



positive or directional selection could not have acted identically

on all lineages, and therefore would result in a different rate of

accumulation of variants on haplogroup lineages, thus affecting

our ability to time divergence events by counting the mutational

events between lineages. On the other hand, it is possible that

negative or purifying selection could act evenly across lineages

and not impact on our use of mtDNA as a molecular clock;

the reliability of mtDNA as a molecular clock has been widely



Because of the central role that mitochondria play in cell

signalling and apoptosis, mitochondria have been implicated

in several age-related diseases, including Parkinson’s disease,

Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis.



are also classified as late-onset diseases and mitochondria

have also been implicated in CVDs. Consequently, haplogroup

association studies on CVD phenotypes are plentiful, but, as will

be revealed, also prone to pitfalls.


et al



reported an association of European

haplogroup cluster J/T with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

in a Caucasian-Brazilian cohort. On the other hand, Li

et al



found no association between mtDNA variation and risk for

developing diabetes, while Chinnery

et al



found no association

with type 2 diabetes and major European haplogroups in a large

study using 897 cases and 1 010 controls. Rather, Achilli

et al



found that the risk for developing specific types of diabetes

complications (disease outcome) was significantly associated

with different mitochondrial haplogroups.

Several mtDNA population variants in cytochrome c oxidase

and NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes have been associated

with body mass index (BMI) in adults.


In a very large study

using a second cohort, Chinnery

et al



found no significant

associations between mtDNA haplogroups and ischaemic heart

disease, hypertension, diabetes or the metabolic syndrome, but

did find a significant association of sub-haplogroup K with risk

of cerebral ischaemic vascular effects.

Therefore, while some studies investigating phenotypes

included in CVDs have reported results that support a role for

mtDNA in CVD,


there are also conflicting reports.


This is not only common in CVD-related literature, but all areas

where haplogroup association studies have been applied. This is

an indication of the many difficulties that need to be overcome

when considering mtDNA variation in the context of disease.


The unique way in which mtDNA is inherited (lack of

bi-parental recombination), which results in the emergence of

numerous unique haplogroups, contributes to the complexity

encountered when investigating mtDNA involvement in disease.

Non-biological factors such as differences in approach to

statistical analysis;


difficulty in proper case and control

matching; small effective population size, which results in a

higher likelihood of population stratification; and insufficient

cohort size,


further undermine the consistency of these studies.

Meta-analysis of data generated by several studies with

overlapping phenotypes can be employed to overcome sample

size difficulties, but these bring along challenges of their own,

as independent studies have different goals/methods, and do not

necessarily generate directly comparable datasets.


So, while

haplogroup association studies might have fulfilled an important

role in the ongoing pursuit of the involvement of mtDNA

variation in disease, it is now well recognised that the field needs

to consider alternative models.

Rare mtDNA population variants

It has been shown that negative or purifying selection plays a

significant role in mtDNA evolution, with deleterious variants

being removed from the population over time,


and that the

power of selection has been equally effective in all human



Consequently, rare mtDNA population variants are

more likely to be mildly deleterious than common variants, as

selection has had less time to remove them from the populations.

Indeed, rare mtDNA variants have been linked to changes in

CVDs and risk factors.

In a study by Govindaraj

et al



complete mtDNA analysis

revealed 10 non-synonymous variants present in hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy patients, but not present in controls or on

databases. Seven of these variants were classified as likely

‘pathogenic’, using several online scoring tools such as

PolyPhen-2, PMUT and PROVEAN, and were therefore thought

to be involved in the development of cardiomyopathy. Rare

variants m.5913G


A and m.3316G


A have both been suggested

to be associated with increased fasting blood glucose levels, while



A was shown to also be associated with increased

blood pressure in a selected Framingham heart study subset, all

of whom were of European descent.


In addition, several rare mtDNA variants, such as





have been implicated in diabetes mellitus, of

which an up-to-date list can be found on

Another possibility is that the effect of an accumulation of mildly

deleterious variants may only become clinically significant once

a population is challenged by a rapid change of confounding

factors, such as diet or other environmental factors (toxins).


In conclusion, several approaches are currently in use for

investigating the role of mtDNA in common complex disease.

mtDNA copy number is an emerging approach that might

become more prevalent in studies concerning CVDs as well. In

terms of mtDNA variants, rare population variants have been

linked to several disease phenotypes, including CVD-related

diseases such as cardiomyopathy and diabetes mellitus, and

might be found to be associated with other CVDs or risk factors

such as hypertension.

Rare population variants are more likely to be mildly



but might not have a high enough impact on their

own to alter disease onset; rather, these variants might be more

likely to alter disease progression or outcomes. For common

population variants, several haplogroup association studies have

been done in CVDs, but have also been marred by the challenges

these types of studies face.


It seems then that an alternative

approach to investigating the role of mtDNA variation in disease

is needed when investigating common complex disease.

Alternative approach for investigating mtDNA

involvement in disease: the adjusted mutation-

al load hypothesis

An alternative approach, the mutational load hypothesis was put

forward in Elson

et al



Mutational load refers to the synergistic

effect of several changes in, for example, a specific gene or

functionally related set of genes. It does not look for associations

with a specific variant but rather a summative effect. While

some mtDNA variants might be of little effect on their own, an

increased mutational load might be associated with increased

risk for a certain disease. mtDNA mutational loads can then