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CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA • Volume 32, No 2, March/April 2021



Animals were randomly divided into five experimental groups



= 8–10 per group) and fed either a control or high-fat diet

(HFD) for a period of 16 weeks. The age-matched control group

received standard Epol


[Epol (Pty) Ltd, Worcester, Western

Cape, RSA] rat chow composed of: fat 4.8 g/100 g, protein 17.1%,

carbohydrates 34.6%, sugar 6.6 g/100 g and energy 1 272 kJ/100

g. The HFD group however received a diet composed of: fat 27.9

g/100 g, cholesterol 6.4 mg/100 g, protein 14.6%, carbohydrates

29.5%, sugar 13.3 g/100 g, fructose 11 g/100 g and energy 1 823

kJ/100 g. The HFD diet was specifically adapted to induce high

blood pressure together with obesity.


The rat chow and HFD

compositions were analysed by Microchem Laboratory (Pty) Ltd

in Maitland, Cape Town. Food and fluid intake were measured

three times weekly and the animals were weighed once a week.

The good manufacturing practice (GMP)-certified GRT

extract was prepared by Afriplex (Pty) Ltd (Paarl, South Africa)

and it was kindly given as a donation. It was supplied with the

total polyphenolic composition analysis


(Table 1).

A total of 10 rats per group in both the HFD and control

groups were treated with 60 mg/kg/day of GRT extract from

week 11 to week 16 of the diet period. An additional HFD group

was included, which served as a positive control (


= 8) for blood

pressure effects and these rats were treated with captopril (50 mg/

kg/day), a well-known ACE inhibitor and anti-hypertensive drug.

The administered GRT extract dose was deduced from

available literature on similar extracts


as there is currently

no evidence on the exact recommended dosage of this specific

product. The captopril dosage was previously used in our

laboratory as a positive control in the same rat model.



GRT extract and captopril treatments were prepared in the form

of strawberry jelly/gelatine blocks and were given to each animal

individually according to their body weight. The untreated

groups (without GRT extract or captopril supplementation)

were given jelly/gelatine blocks to normalise for the effect the

additional sugar content present in the jelly/gelatine might have.

An oral sucrose tolerance test (OSTT) were performed in

the week before commencement of treatment (week 10) and

again a week before sacrifice (week 15) in both the controls

and HFD groups. The animals were fasted overnight with free

access to drinking water. Blood glucose levels were determined,

using a handheld Glucoplus


glucometer, from a drop of blood

collected after a tail prick with a lancet at the tail tip. Following

measurement of baseline (0 minutes, fasting level) glucose levels,

the animals were gavaged with 50% sucrose solution (1 g/kg) and

the disappearance of glucose in the blood was monitored for

two hours. After the OSTT procedure, the animals were left to

recover for a week from this metabolic insult, prior to sacrifice.

The blood pressure of each animal was measured using a



non-invasive blood pressure acquisition system (Kent

Scientific), which utilises a volume pressure-recording (VPR)

tail-cuff system to measure the blood volume of the tail. Prior to

the actual study, the animals were acclimatised to the apparatus

for a period of two weeks. Blood pressure was then monitored on

a weekly basis for 16 weeks, and baseline levels were determined

for two weeks prior to treatment.

Glucose present in the urine was determined in weeks 10 and

16 of the study. Animals were individually placed in metabolic

cages for a 24-hour period while having

ad libitum

access to food

and water. Urine was collected in a plastic measuring cylinder

attached to each cage. Glucose levels were determined using a

Test-it™ 10 dipstick.

At the time of sacrifice, the animals were weighed and

euthanised with an overdose of sodium pentobarbital (Eutha-

naze 160 mg/kg, intra-peritoneally). Following this, fasting or

non-fasting blood was collected from all the animals, transferred

to vacutainer tubes (SGVac) and allowed to clot at room

temperature (25°C). After 30 minutes, the blood was centrifuged

at 1 200 ×


for 10 minutes at 4°C. Thereafter, the serum was

collected and stored at –80°C for biochemical analysis.

The liver and the intra-peritoneal (IP) fat were removed,

rinsed, weighed, snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at

–80°C for downstream experimental procedures. Additionally,

the thoracic aorta was gently excised from the thoracic cavity with

the perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) intact. Then one aortic

ring per animal was cut in half and one piece was immediately

used for vascular contraction/relaxation experimentation, while

the rest of the tissue was stored in liquid nitrogen for Western

blot analyses.

Vascular contraction/relaxation of the aortic rings was

performed to determine the endothelial function of the animals.

A total of 10 aortae were used for each experimental group,

except for the captopril group (


= 8). The noradrenergic agonist

phenylephrine (1 mM; 0.002g Phe in 10 ml 0.9% saline) and the

endothelium-dependant nitrogen oxide (NO)-releasing agent

acetylcholine (10 mM; 0.0182 g in 10 ml 0.9% saline) stocks were

prepared. Acetylcholine (10 mM), labelled stock A, was serially

diluted to make stock B (1 mM; 1 ml stock A in 9 ml 0.9% saline),

and finally stock C (100 µM; 1 ml stock B in 9 ml 0.9% saline).

The aortic ring (3–4 mm) was mounted onto two stainless

steel hooks and slowly submerged in the organ bath (AD

Instruments, Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia) filled with

Krebs-Henseleit buffer (KHB composition in mM: 119 NaCl, 25



, 4.75 KCl, 1.2 KH




, 0.6 MgSO




O, 0.6 Na





1.25 CaCl




O and 10 glucose) at 37°C and gassed with 95% O


and 5% CO


. The tension was slowly adjusted to 0.2 g and the

preparation was initially stabilised for a period of 40 minutes,

changing the buffer after every 10 minutes while gradually

increasing the tension to 1.5 g. After 40 minutes, the KHB was

changed and adjusted to exactly 25 ml.

Thereafter, 100 nM phenylephrine (2.5 µl of 1 mM stock)

was added to induce maximal contraction, followed by 10 µM

acetylcholine (25 µl of stock A) to induce at least 70% relaxation.

The organ bath was rinsed three times with pre-warmed KHB to

Table 1. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

analysis of the GRT extract used in the study

Compound (g compound/100 g soluble solids)

HPLC analysis

Phenylpyruvic acid-2-


glucoside (PPAG)










Ferulic acid














Nq, not quantifiable.