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found in hospitals, to investigate cardiac changes in sham rats

or rats with ACC-induced myocardial hypertrophy by using an

extensive analysis, including echocardiography, heart and left

ventricular mass, cardiomyocyte area, plasma B-type natriuretic

peptide (BNP) concentration, and interstitial and perivascular


BNP is a circulating hormone produced in the heart, primarily

by ventricular cells. This hormone is mainly secreted in response

to increases in ventricular wall stress, such as ventricular

hypertrophy, and it is detectable at high concentrations in a

number of circumstances, including cardiac ischaemia and severe

heart failure.


In addition, the expression of BNP is significantly

increased in animal models of chronic haemodynamic overload.

Therefore, we measured blood BNP concentrations to enhance

our understanding of BNP secretion in both AAC and sham

rats sequentially, as a marker to evaluate the extent of cardiac


The primary goals of this study were to modify the AAC

procedure in order to establish a safer and more stable LVH

model in rodents, evaluate the utility of standard human

ultrasound probes to detect structural and functional changes

in rats with cardiac hypertrophy, and provide a theoretical

and experimental foundation for the application of novel drug

interventions aimed at interfering with clinical LVH.


Fifty male Wistar rats (80–100 g) were used in all experiments.

They were allowed standard laboratory chow and tap water

ad libitum

and housed in stable conditions at 22°C with a

12-hour light/dark cycle for one week prior to AAC surgery.

All procedures were performed in accordance with institutional

guidelines for animal research.

After a one-week acclimatisation, the AAC surgery was

performed. All experimental rats were weighed prior to surgery,

and at three, four and six weeks post surgery. Echocardiographic

studies were conducted at three, four and six weeks post surgery.

For LVweight and histological measurements, rats were sacrificed

following echocardiography, and blood samples were collected

from the right carotid artery for enzyme-linked immunosorbent

assay (ELISA) analyses of plasma BNP concentrations.

AAC was induced in outbred male rats, as previously



In brief, the animals were anesthetised with sodium

pentobarbital (45 mg/kg, i.p.). The abdominal aorta proximal to

the left renal artery was exposed and separated from the vena

cava. A 2-0 silk suture was tied, using a blunt 24-G probe (the

external diameter was 0.55 mm), beside the aorta between the

branches of the coeliac and anterior mesenteric arteries. The

probe was removed, leaving the vessel constricted to a diameter

of 0.55 mm. Saline (1 ml) was administered into the peritoneal

cavity in order to replenish any fluid loss, and the abdominal wall

and skin were sutured closed. All rats were allowed to recover on

a warming pad. The same procedure was performed in the sham

animals except that the silk suture around the aorta was pulled

through and not tied.

Following surgery, 50 mg/kg, i.m. ampicillin was administered

once daily for three days after surgery to prevent infection.

The day following surgery, the sham and AAC animals were

randomly divided into six groups as follows: (1) sham for three

weeks (



8); (2) sham for four weeks (



8); (3) sham for six

weeks (



8); (4) AAC for three weeks (



8); (5) AAC for four

weeks (



8); (6) AAC for six weeks (




Echocardiographic studies

Echocardiographic studies were performed between 16:00 and

20:00, with the animals in the left lateral decubitus position,

using sodium pentobarbital (45 mg/kg, i.p.) for anaesthesia.

The IE 33 echocardiographic system (Philips Medical Systems,

Nederland BV) was used to perform two-dimensional (2D)

guided M-mode echocardiography and pulse-wave Doppler

echocardiography with a linear-phase array probe (L15-7io;

frequency range 7–15 MHz), which was placed on the shaved

left hemithorax. 2D images of the heart were obtained in the

parasternal long-axis view, followed by the short-axis and apical

four-chamber views.

M-mode echocardiography is useful for assessing LVH,

allowing accurate measurements of wall thickness and LV

dimensions during systole and diastole. For M-mode recordings,

the parasternal long-axis view was used to image the heart in

2D, with a depth setting of 2 cm. M-mode recordings were then

analysed at a sweep speed of 66 mm/s, with the axis of the probe

aligned near the posterior leaf mitral valve.

The following parameters were measured: LV posterior

wall (LVPW) dimensions during both diastole and systole

(LVPWd and LVPWs, respectively), interventricular septal

(IVS) dimensions during both diastole and systole (IVSd and

IVSs, respectively), LV internal dimensions (LVID) during

both diastole and systole (LVIDd and LVIDs, respectively), LV

end-diastolic volume (EDV), LV end-systolic volume (ESV),

percentage LV fractional shortening (FS), LV ejection fraction

(EF), cardiac output (CO), and heart rate (HR). LV mass (LVm)

was obtained from echocardiography and derived from the cubic

equation at the end of diastole:



















All data are means of three consecutive cardiac cycles. 2D

guided M-mode recordings were obtained from the parasternal

short-axis view of the left ventricle at the level of the papillary

muscles. The angle of the M-mode beam was focused on the

middle of the LV, and aligned at the anteroposterior axis,

perpendicular to the LV walls. Parameters and methods were

the same as in the parasternal long-axis view, except that the

thickness of the LV anterior wall (LVAW) was obtained instead

of IVS. To assess inflow and outflow of the left ventricle,

Doppler recordings were acquired in the apical four-chamber

view to obtain inflow values parallel to the sample volume.

Pulse-wave Doppler (PWD) recordings were acquired with the

sample volume placed midway between the mitral and aortic valves

to determine the velocity of mitral inflow and aortic outflow. PWD

spectra of mitral inflow were recorded with the sample volume

placed at the tips of the mitral valve leaflets and adjusted to the

position at which velocity was maximal, with the sample volume

set to the smallest size available (1 mm). Due to the high heart rates

of rodents, which caused fusion of the E and A waves, diastolic

function was not evaluated using Doppler imaging.

LV outflow velocity was recorded from the apical long-axis

view, with the sample volume positioned just below the aortic