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valve. The Doppler beam was set within 30° of the incident

angle, to the aortic direction. Values for statistical analyses were

averaged data collected from three to five cardiac cycles.

Colour-flow Doppler images were obtained by centering the

sampling area in the region of interest, thus making it possible

to evaluate valvular dysfunction. The same method was used to

measure diameters of the abdominal aorta via the aortic long-

axis view.

All measurements were performed in accordance

with the leading-edge method of the American Society of



Images were stored digitally on magneto-

optical discs (DICOM).

Morphological analyses

Rat hearts were harvested by cardiectomy and perfused in 30 ml

of ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline to wash out any remaining

blood. The total mass of the hearts and mass of the right and

left ventricles were obtained. Heart mass index (HMI) and LV

mass index (LVMI) were determined as the ratio of LVm (in mg)

to body weight (in g).

The left ventricle was then cut into four pieces along the

longitudinal axis. Three sections were immediately frozen

in liquid nitrogen and one was fixed in 10% formalin for

histological analysis. Tissues were dehydrated through serial

alcohol immersions, cleared in xylene and embedded in paraffin.

They were then cut into three to five 5-μm-thick sections for each

animal. For cardiomyocyte size measurements, the samples were

stained with haematoxylin/eosin (HE) and Masson trichrome

(MT), as previously described,


for the evaluation of interstitial

and perivascular fibrosis.

To quantify cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, about 30 myocytes

were selected randomly per section, at 400


magnification, and

digitally imaged. The cross-sectional area of the cardiomyocytes

was measured using Image Pro Plus software (Media Cybernetics,

Carlsbad, CA). Quantitative measurement of the perivascular

fibrosis area was calculated as the ratio of the fibrosis area

surrounding the vessel wall to the total vessel area using

Image Pro Plus software. At least 10 arterial cross sections

were examined per heart. The area of interstitial fibrosis was

identified, after excluding the vessel area from the region of

interest, as the ratio of interstitial fibrosis to the total tissue area.

At least three sections were examined per heart.

For ELISA analyses, blood was collected into tubes containing

heparin from the right carotid artery of the rats and immediately

centrifuged at 1 000



for 15 minutes. The plasma supernatant

was collected and maintained at −80°C for BNP concentration

determinations, using ELISA assays with a specific BNP kit


Statistical analyses

All data are expressed as mean


SD. One-way analysis of

variance (ANOVA) was performed to compare the AAC and

sham groups. When the probability value was statistically

significant, a least-significant-difference (LSD)


-test was applied

for multiple comparisons. Linear regression analysis was used

to evaluate correlations between LVm by echocardiography

and the actual weights from sacrificed rats. SPSS V19 was used

for statistical analyses. A probability value of



0.05 was

considered statistically significant.


Fifty rats were initially enrolled in this study. After the surgery

(same day as surgery), the mortality rate for the experimental

pressure overload was 8% (two rats died), and there were no

fatalities in the sham groups. Three days after surgery, 41 rats

remained in the study, including 22 sham controls and 19 AAC

rats. No additional fatalities occurred over the duration of the


FollowingAAC surgery, the abdominal aortas were constricted

in diameter by 37% (~ 0.06


0.01 cm) relative to the aorta,

measured using echocardiography (Fig. 1). Fig. 2 shows a typical

2D echocardiogram of the heart obtained via the parasternal

long-axis view of the LV to compare cardiac structures between

the sham and AAC groups at three, four and six weeks.

Fig. 3 demonstrates the M-mode changes that occurred in the

LVID, IVS and LVPW dimensions during both diastole (Fig.

3A, C, E) and systole (Fig. 3B, D, F), as well as in EDV and

ESV (Fig. 3G, H). IVS (Fig. 3C, D) was significantly increased

Fig. 2.

Parasternal long-axis view of the left ventricle. A: sham

rats at six weeks, B: AAC rats at three weeks, C: AAC

rats at four weeks, D: AAC rats at six weeks.





Fig. 1.

Abdominal aortic constriction. A: sham rats, B: AAC

rats, C: sham rats using colour Doppler, D: AAC rats

using colour Doppler.